Zim Vacancies

Job vacancy service facilitating seamless connections between job seekers and employment opportunities.


Analyse CV

Our analysis evaluates your resume against top industry standards and gives it a score, helping you improve it.


Auto Apply

AutoApply Plus free Cover letter Service will land you interviews faster giving you a chance to land your dream job (suitable for job hunters,interns and job shifting)

5usd/200 ZiG month

Int. Friendly CV

Get a CV designed for success in international jobs, including healthcare and remote positions—optimized for applicant tracking systems!

$8 or 320 ZiG

CV Writing

Revamp your CV to boost your interview chances and stand out in a competitive job market!

4usd or 160 ZiG

Linkedin Profile Optimization

Attract employers and boost your visibility—let us optimize your profile for success!

50usd or 1000 ZiG

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